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Tuesday, May 4, 2021

What is the Key of David and how can anyone get access to it?

 What is the Key of David and how can anyone get access to it?

This is a great question with an easy answer.

First let us take a look at Revelation chapter 3 verse 7 where the Key of David is mentioned in your Bible

The Key of David is mentioned here and is available to those who partake in the ways of the Church of Philadelphia. Note that this Church is one of the two Church’s that our Lord Jesus Christ is well pleased with. The other five Church’s He has something against. 

We also learn from this verse that Jesus Christ presides over and controls the Key of David.

The Key of David of David unlocks the meaning and interprets the symbology used in the Bible. It unlocks the glossary that is found within the Bible itself.

The glossary to the written Word is found in the Devine threads that run through your Bible. These Devine threads reflect the only consistent thought pattern known to mankind.

The Devine interpretive threads that run through the Bible make up the structural fabric of the Key of David de-facto.

Our Lord Jesus Christ will give ‘whom so ever will’ a copy of this Key.

The Key of David cannot be bought, sold or stolen. The Key of David is only given to those who follow God’s instruction with a pure heart.

Google < Companion Chapel podcast > press play and enjoy a daily Bible study podcast hosted by someone who has been given The Key of David

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